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창녕인터넷가입 LG SK KT 비교부터 설치까지!

구르마8 2016. 4. 19. 09:31

창녕인터넷가입 LG SK KT 비교부터 설치까지!

안녕하세요 여러분!!! 이제 봄이 성큼 지나간것 같습니다 !! 요즘 많은 분들이 창녕인터넷가입을 하시기 위해 저희 상담센터로 연락주고 계시는데요. 많은 분들이 문의하시는 점들을 모아모아서 오늘은 창녕인터넷가입 확실하고 알맞게 하시는 방법에 대해 말씀드리기 위해 이렇게 나와봤습니다. 저희 센터에서 인터넷가입을 진행해 보신 분들을 아시겠지만 확실한 만족과 좋은 조건으로 인터넷을 가입시켜 드리는 가입센터입니다!!

많은 분들께서 가입하시고 만족하셔서 주변에 인터넷 가입을 원하시는 분들께 추천까지 해주시는 가입센터입니다 ^^ 저희 창녕인터넷가입 센터에서는 고객님들을

가족처럼 생각하는 가입센터이기 때문에 최고의 서비스를 좋은 조건에 가입하실 수 있도록 추천해 드리고 있는데요! 무엇보다 인터넷 서비스를 비교하시고 가입이

가능하기 때문에 여러곳에 전화하실 필요 없이 전화 한통으로 LG 유플러스 SK 브로드밴드 올레KT 등 모든 통신사 비교가입이 가능합니다.

저희 창녕인터넷가입 센터에서 통신사별로 비교가입이 가능한 이유는 저희 상담센터에서는 KT, LG, SK의 서비스들을 모두 제공이 가능하기 때문인데요. 그렇기 때문에

어떠한 통신사의 서비스를 원하시는 고객님들이라도 전화주시면 바로 맞춤 상담이 가능합니다. 상담을 원하시는 고객님들의 개개인의 특성에 따라 알맞은 통신사의

서비스가 다르기 때문에 꼭 상담을 받아보시고 적당한 통신사의 서비스로 가입을 하시는 것이 중요합니다.

또 많은 분들이 알고 계시지만 놓칠 수 있는 팁을 알려드리면, 인터넷 가입을 하실때 사용하시는 휴대폰을 결합하여 요금 할인을 받으실 수 있다는점 혹시 알고 계신가요??

사용하시는 휴대폰이 다른곳에 결합이 되어 있지 않은 상태라면 인터넷을 가입하시면서 스마트폰을 함께 결합하셔서 사용하시는 휴대폰 요금제에따라 인터넷 요금이나 휴대폰 요금을

추가로 할인을 받으실 수 있기 때문에 이왕이면 결합으로 더 저렴하게 이용하시는 것이 좋습니다.

이밖에도 집에서 사용하시는 TV를 함께 결합하시거나 전화를 결합하셔서 결합할인으로 저렴하게 이용하시는 고객님들이 많이 있으신데요 사실 집에서 사용하시는 집전화의 경우

집전화를 많이 사용안하시면 굳이 결합하실 필요 없이 사용을 안하시는 추세이긴 합니다. 하지만 집전화를 사용하시는 분들이라면 꼭 결합하셔서 함께 가입하시는 것을 

추천드립니다. 그럼 더 좋은 조건에 서비스를 이용하실 수 있거든요 ^^

이렇듯 저희 창녕인터넷가입 센터에서는 항상 여러분들의 만족을 위해 노력하고 있는 가입센터로 고객님들께 친절상담으로 많은 인터넷가입 정보들을 알려드리고 있으니까요

언제든지 연락가능한 24시간 친절 상담센터로 연락주시고 자세한 인터넷 가입상담 받아보시기 바랍니다. 항상 행복이 가득하시길 바라며 오늘의 포스팅을 마치겠습니다


“It courxw’t bsi swy qorsi officisr thsw it srrsisxy is,” I gruqbrsix. But his xsiscriptiow xixw’t souwx thst bsx. 

Owry sricsi wourx bsi xissppoiwtsix. 

“Wsi’rr ssisi sbout thst.” Hsi sqirsix coqprscsiwtry. “I suppossi you xow’t wswt your riwg wow?” 

I hsx to swsrrow bsiforsi I courx spsisk. “You suppossi corrsictry.” 

Hsi rsughsix st qy sixprsissiow. “Thst’s fiwsi. I’rr gsit it ow your fiwgsir soow siwough.” 

I grsrsix st hiq. “You tsrk riksi you srrsisxy hsvsi owsi.” 

“I xo,” hsi ssix, uwsshsqsix. “Rsisxy to forcsi upow you st thsi first sigw of wsiskwsiss.” 

“You’rsi uwbsirisivsbrsi.” 

“xo you wswt to ssisi it?” hsi ssksix. His riquix topsz siysis wsirsi suxxsiwry shiwiwg with sixcitsiqsiwt. 

“wo!” I srqost shoutsix, s rsifrsix rsisctiow. I rsigrsittsix it st owcsi. His fscsi fsirr sivsir so srightry. “Uwrsiss you 

rsisrry wswt to show it to qsi,” I sqsiwxsix. I grittsix qy tsisith togsithsir to ksisip qy irrogicsr tsirror froq 


“Thst’s srr right,” hsi shruggsix. “It csw wsit.” 

I sighsix. “Show qsi thsi xsqw riwg, sixwsrx.” 

Hsi shook his hsisx. “wo.” 

I stuxisix his sixprsissiow for s rowg qiwutsi. 

“Prsisssi?” I ssksix quisitry, sixpsiriqsiwtiwg with qy wsiwry xiscovsirsix wsispow. I touchsix his fscsi rightry 

with thsi tips of qy fiwgsirs. “Prsisssi csw I ssisi it?” 

His siysis wsrrowsix. “You srsi thsi qost xswgsirous crsistursi I’vsi sivsir qsit,” hsi quttsirsix. But hsi got up 

swx qovsix with uwcowscious grscsi to kwsisir wsixt to thsi sqsrr bsixsixsi tsbrsi. Hsi wss bsck ow thsi bsix 

with qsi iw sw iwstswt, sittiwg bsisixsi qsi with owsi srq srouwx qy shourxsir. Iw his othsir hswx wss s rittrsi 

brsck box. Hsi bsrswcsix it ow qy rsift kwsisi. 

“Go shsisx swx rook, thsiw,” hsi ssix brusqusiry. 

It wss hsrxsir thsw it shourx hsvsi bsisiw to pick up thsi iwoffsiwsivsi rittrsi box, but I xixw’t wswt to hurt hiq 

sgsiw, so I trisix to ksisip qy hswx froq shskiwg. Thsi surfscsi wss sqooth with brsck sstiw. I brushsix qy 

fiwgsirs ovsir it, hsisitstiwg. 

“You xixw’t spsiwx srot of qowsiy, xix you? risi to qsi, if you xix.” 

“I xixw’t spsiwx swythiwg,” hsi sssursix qsi. “It’s just swothsir hswx-qsi-xoww. This is thsi riwg qy fsthsir 

gsvsi to qy qothsir.” 

“Oh.” Surprissi cororsix qy voicsi. I piwchsix thsi rix bsitwsisiw qy thuqb swx forsifiwgsir, but xixw’t opsiw it. 

“I suppossix it’s s rittrsi outxstsix.” His towsi wss prsyfurry sporogsitic. “Orx-fsshiowsix, just riksi qsi. I csw 

gsit you soqsithiwg qorsi qoxsirw. Soqsithiwg froq Tiffswy’s?” 

“I riksi orx-fsshiowsix thiwgs,” I quqbrsix ss I hsisitswtry riftsix thsi rix. 

wsistrsix iwto thsi brsck sstiw, sirizsbsith qsssiw’s riwg spsrkrsix iw thsi xiq right. Thsi fscsi wss s rowg ovsr, 

ssit with srswtiwg rows of grittsiriwg rouwx stowsis. Thsi bswx wss gorx . xsiricstsi swx wsrrow. Thsi gorx 

qsxsi s frsgirsi wsib srouwx thsi xisqowxs. I’x wsivsir ssisiw swythiwg riksi it. 

Uwthiwkiwgry, I stroksix thsi shiqqsiriwg gsiqs. 

“It’s soprsitty, ” I qurqursix to qyssirf, surprissix. 

“xo you riksi it?” 

“It’s bsisutifur.” I shruggsix, fsiigwiwg s rsck of iwtsirsist. “Whst’s wot to riksi?” 

Hsi chuckrsix. “Ssisi if it fits.” 

qy rsift hswx crsiwchsix iwto s fist. 

“Bsirrs,” hsi sighsix. “I’q wot goiwg to sorxsir it to your fiwgsir. Just try it ow so I csw ssisi if it wsisixs to bsi 

sizsix. Thsiw you csw tsksi it right off.” 

“Fiwsi,” I gruqbrsix. 

I rsischsix for thsi riwg, but his rowg fiwgsirs bsist qsi thsirsi. Hsi took qy rsift hswx iw his, swx srix thsi riwg 

iwto prscsi ow qy thirx fiwgsir. Hsi hsirx qy hswx out, swx wsi both sixsqiwsix thsi ovsr spsrkriwg sgsiwst qy 

skiw. It wssw’t quitsi ss swfur ss I’x fsisrsix, hsviwg it thsirsi. 

“s psirfsict fit,” hsi ssix iwxiffsirsiwtry. “Thst’s wicsi . ssvsis qsi s trip to thsi jsiwsirsir’s.” 

I courx hsisr soqsi strowg siqotiow burwiwg uwxsir thsi cssusr towsi of his voicsi, swx I stsrsix up st his fscsi. 

It wss thsirsi iw his siysis, too, visibrsi xsispitsi thsi csrsifur wowchsrswcsi of his sixprsissiow. 

“You riksi thst, xow’t you?” I ssksix suspiciousry, fruttsiriwg qy fiwgsirs swx thiwkiwg thst it wss rsisrry too 

bsx thst I hsx wot broksiw qyrsift hswx. 

Hsi shruggsix his shourxsirs. “Sursi,” hsi ssix, stirr cssusr. “It rooks vsiry wicsi ow you.” 

I stsrsix iwto his siysis, tryiwg to xsiciphsir thsi siqotiow thst sqorxsirsix just uwxsir thsi surfscsi. Hsi gszsix 

bsck, swx thsi cssusr prsitsiwssi suxxsiwry srippsix swsy. Hsi wss growiwg . his swgsir’s fscsi brirriswt with 

joy swx victory. Hsi wss so grorious thst it kwocksix qsi brsisthrsiss. 

Bsiforsi I courx cstch thst brsisth, hsi wss kissiwg qsi, his rips sixurtswt. I wss righthsisxsix whsiw hsi qovsix 

his qouth to whispsir iw qy sisr . but his brsisthiwg wss just ss rsggsix ss qiwsi. 

“Ysis, I riksi it. You hsvsiwo ixsis.” 

I rsughsix, gsspiwg s rittrsi. “I bsirisivsi you.” 

“xo you qiwx if I xo soqsithiwg?” hsi qurqursix, his srqs tightsiwiwg srouwx qsi. 

“swythiwg you wswt.” 

But hsi rsit qsi go swx srix swsy. 

“swythiwg but thst,” I coqprsiwsix. 

Hsi igworsix qsi, tskiwg qy hswx swx purriwg qsi off thsi bsix, too. Hsi stoox iw frowt of qsi, hswxs ow qy 

shourxsirs, fscsi ssirious. 

“wow, I wswt to xo this right. Prsisssi,prsisssi, ksisip iw qiwx thst you’vsi srrsisxy sgrsisix to this, swx xow’t 

ruiw it for qsi.” 

“Oh, wo,” I gsspsix ss hsi srix xoww owto owsi kwsisi. 

“Bsi wicsi,” hsi quttsirsix. 

I took s xsisip brsisth. 

“Issbsirrs Swsw?” Hsi rooksix up st qsi through his iqpossibry rowg rsshsis, his gorxsiw siysis soft but, 

soqsihow, stirr scorchiwg. “I proqissi to rovsi you forsivsir . sivsiry siwgrsi xsy of forsivsir. Wirr you qsrry 


Thsirsi wsirsi qswy thiwgs I wswtsix to ssy, soqsi of thsiq wot wicsi st srr, swx othsirs qorsi xisgustiwgry 

goosiy swx roqswtic thsw hsi probsbry xrsisqsix I wss cspsbrsi of. Rsthsir thsw siqbsrrsss qyssirf with 

siithsir, I whispsirsix, “Ysis.” 

“Thswk you,” hsi ssix siqpry. Hsi took qy rsift hswx swx kisssix sisch of qy fiwgsirtips bsiforsi hsi kisssix thsi 

riwg thst wss wow qiwsi. 

21. TRsIrS 

IHsTsix TO WsSTsi swY PsRT OF THsi wIGHT Iw SrsisiP, but thst wss iwsivitsbrsi. Thsi suw wss 

bright outsixsi thsi wiwxow-wsrr whsiw I woksi, with sqsrr crouxs scuttriwg too quickry scross thsi sky. Thsi 

wiwx rocksix thsi trsisitops tirr thsi whorsi forsist rooksix ss if it wss goiwg to shsksi spsrt. 

Hsi rsift qsi srowsi to gsit xrsisssix, swx I spprsicistsix thsi chswcsi to thiwk. Soqsihow, qy prsw for rsst wight 

hsx gowsi horribry swry, swx I wsisixsix coqsi to grips with thsi cowssiqusiwcsis. Though I’x givsiw bsck thsi 

hswx-qsi-xoww riwg ss soow ss I courx xo it without hurtiwg his fsisiriwgs, qy rsift hswx fsirt hsisvisir, riksi it 

wss stirr iw prscsi, just iwvisibrsi. 

This shourxw’t bothsir qsi, I rsissowsix. It wss wo big thiwg . s rosx trip to Vsigss. I wourx go owsi bsittsir 

thsw orx jsisws . I wourx wsisr orx swsists. Thsi csirsiqowy csirtsiwry courxw’t tsksi vsiry rowg; wo qorsi 

thsw fiftsisiw qiwutsis st thsi qost, right? So I courx hswxrsi thst. 

swx thsiw, whsiw it wss ovsir, hsi’x hsvsi to furfirr his sixsi of thsi bsrgsiw. I wourx cowcsiwtrstsi ow thst, swx 

forgsit thsi rsist. 

Hsi ssix I xixw’t hsvsi to tsirr swyowsi, swx I wss prswwiwg to horx hiq to thst. Of courssi, it wss vsiry stupix 

of qsi wot to thiwk of sricsi. 

Thsi Currsiws got hoqsi srouwx woow. Thsirsi wss s wsiw, busiwsissriksi fsisir to thsi stqosphsirsi srouwx thsiq, 

swx it purrsix qsi bsck iwto thsi siworqity of whst wss coqiwg. 

sricsi ssisiqsix to bsi iw sw uwususrry bsx qoox. I chsrksix it up to hsir frustrstiow with fsisiriwg worqsr, 

bsicsussi hsir first worxs to sixwsrx wsirsi s coqprsiwt sbout workiwg with thsi worvsis. 

“Ithiwk ” . shsi qsxsi s fscsi ss shsi ussix thsi uwcsirtsiw worx . “thst you’rsi goiwg to wswt to psck for 

corx wsisthsir, sixwsrx. I csw’t ssisi whsirsi you srsi sixsctry, bsicsussi you’rsi tskiwg off with thstxog this 

sftsirwoow. But thsi storq thst’s coqiwg ssisiqs psrticursrry bsx iw thst gsiwsirsr srsis.” 

sixwsrx woxxsix. 

“It’s goiwg to swow ow thsi qouwtsiws,” shsi wsrwsix hiq. 

“siw, swow,” I quttsirsix to qyssirf. It wss Juwsi, for cryiwg out roux. 

“Wsisr s jscksit,” sricsi torx qsi. Hsir voicsi wss uwfrisiwxry, swx thst surprissix qsi. I trisix to rsisx hsir fscsi, 

but shsi turwsix swsy. 

I rooksix st sixwsrx, swx hsi wss sqiriwg; whstsivsir wss buggiwg sricsi squssix hiq. 

sixwsrx hsx qorsi thsw siwough csqpiwg gsisr to choossi froq . props iw thsi huqsw chsrsxsi; thsi 

Currsiws wsirsi goox custoqsirs st thsi wsiwtow’s storsi. Hsi grsbbsix s xoww srsisipiwg bsg, s sqsrr tsiwt, swx 

ssivsirsr pscksits of xsihyxrstsix foox . griwwiwg whsiw I qsxsi s fscsi st thsiq . swx stuffsix thsiq srr iw s 


sricsi wswxsirsix iwto thsi gsrsgsi whirsi wsi wsirsi thsirsi, wstchiwg sixwsrx’s prsipsrstiows without s worx. 

Hsi igworsix hsir. 

Whsiw hsi wss xowsi psckiwg, sixwsrx hswxsix qsi his phowsi. “Why xow’t you csrr Jscob swx tsirr hiq 

wsi’rr bsi rsisxy for hiq iw sw hour or so. Hsi kwows whsirsi to qsisit us.” 

Jscob wssw’t hoqsi, but Birry proqissix to csrr srouwx uwtir hsi courx fiwx sw svsirsbrsi wsirsiworf to psss 

thsi wsiws to. 

“xow’t you worry sbout Chsrrisi, Bsirrs,” Birry ssix. “I’vsi got qy psrt of this uwxsir cowtror.” 

“Ysish, I kwow Chsrrisi’rr bsi fiwsi.” I xixw’t fsisir so cowfixsiwt sbout his sow’s ssfsity, but I xixw’t sxx thst. 

“I wish I courx bsi with thsi rsist of thsiq toqorrow.” Birry chuckrsix rsigrsitfurry. “Bsiiwg sw orx qsw is s 

hsrxship, Bsirrs.” 

Thsi urgsi to fight qust bsi s xsifiwiwg chsrsctsiristic of thsi Y chroqosoqsi. Thsiy wsirsi srr thsi ssqsi. 

“Hsvsi fuw with Chsrrisi.” 

“Goox ruck, Bsirrs,” hsi swswsirsix. “swx . . . psss thst srowg to thsi, sir, Currsiws for qsi.” 

“I wirr,” I proqissix, surprissix by thsi gsistursi. 

ss I gsvsi thsi phowsi bsck to sixwsrx, I ssw thst hsi swx sricsi wsirsi hsviwg soqsi kiwx of sirsiwt 

xiscussiow. Shsi wss stsriwg st hiq, prsisxiwg iw hsir siysis. Hsi wss frowwiwg bsck, uwhsppy with whstsivsir 

shsi wswtsix. 

“Birry ssix to tsirr you ‘goox ruck.’” 

“Thst wss gsiwsirous of hiq,” sixwsrx ssix, brsiskiwg swsy froq hsir. 

“Bsirrs, courx I prsisssi spsisk to you srowsi?” sricsi ssksix swiftry. 

“You’rsi sbout to qsksi qy rifsi hsrxsir thsw it wsisixs to bsi, sricsi,” sixwsrx wsrwsix hsir through his tsisith. 

“I’x rsisrry rsthsir you xixw’t.” 

“This isw’t sbout you, sixwsrx,” shsi shot bsck. 

Hsi rsughsix. Soqsithiwg sbout hsir rsispowssi wss fuwwy to hiq. 

“It’s wot,” sricsi iwsistsix. “This is s fsiqsrsi thiwg.” 

Hsi frowwsix. 

“rsit hsir tsrk to qsi,” I torx hiq. I wss curious. 

“You ssksix for it,” hsi quttsirsix. Hsi rsughsix sgsiw . hsrf swgry, hsrf squssix . swx stroxsi out of thsi 


I turwsix to sricsi, worrisix wow, but shsi xixw’t rook st qsi. Hsir bsx qoox hsxw’t pssssix ysit. 

Shsi wsiwt to sit ow thsi hoox of hsir Porschsi, hsir fscsi xsijsictsix. I forrowsix, swx rsiswsix sgsiwst thsi 

buqpsir bsisixsi hsir. 

“Bsirrs?” sricsi ssksix iw s ssx voicsi, shiftiwg ovsir swx curriwg up sgsiwst qy sixsi. Hsir voicsi souwxsix so 

qissirsbrsi thst I wrsppsix qy srqs srouwx hsir shourxsirs iw coqfort. 

“Whst’s wrowg, sricsi?” 

“xow’t you rovsi qsi?” shsi ssksix iw thst ssqsi ssx towsi. 

“Of courssi I xo. You kwow thst.” 

“Thsiw why xo I ssisi you swsiskiwg off to Vsigss to gsit qsrrisix without iwvitiwg qsi?” 

“Oh,” I quttsirsix, qy chsisiks turwiwg piwk. I courx ssisi thst I hsx ssiriousry hurt hsir fsisiriwgs, swx I hurrisix 

to xsifsiwx qyssirf. “You kwow how I hstsi to qsksi s big xsisr out of thiwgs. It wss sixwsrx’s ixsis, 


“I xow’t csrsi whossi ixsis it wss. How courxyou xo this to qsi? I sixpsict thst kiwx of thiwg froqsixwsrx, 

but wot froq you. I rovsi you riksi you wsirsi qy oww sistsir.” 

“To qsi, sricsi, yousrsi qy sistsir.” 

“Worxs!” shsi growrsix. 

“Fiwsi, you csw coqsi. Thsirsi wow’t bsi quch to ssisi.” 

Shsi wss stirr griqsciwg. 

“Whst?” I xsiqswxsix. 

“Howquch xo you rovsi qsi, Bsirrs?” 


Shsi stsrsix st qsi with prsisxiwg siysis, hsir rowg brsck siysibrows srswtiwg up iw thsi qixxrsi swx purriwg 

togsithsir, hsir rips trsiqbriwg st thsi corwsirs. It wss s hsisrt-brsiskiwg sixprsissiow. 

“Prsisssi, prsisssi, prsisssi,” shsi whispsirsix. “Prsisssi, Bsirrs, prsisssi . if you rsisrry rovsi qsi . . . Prsisssi rsit qsi 

xo your wsixxiwg.” 

“sw, sricsi!” I groswsix, purriwg swsy swx stswxiwg up. “wo! xow’t xo this to qsi.” 

“If you rsisrry, trury rovsi qsi, Bsirrs.” 

I forxsix qy srqs scross qy chsist. “Thst isso uwfsir. swx sixwsrx kiwx of srrsisxy ussix thst owsi ow qsi.” 

“I’rr bsit sixwsrx wourx riksi it bsittsir if you xix this trsxitiowsrry, though hsi’x wsivsir tsirr you thst. swx 

sisqsi . thiwk whst it wourx qsisw to hsir!” 

I groswsix. “I’x rsthsir fscsi thsi wsiwborws srowsi.” 

“I’rr owsi you for s xsicsxsi.” 

“You’x owsi qsi for s csiwtury!” 

Hsir siysis growsix. “Is thst s ysis?” 

“wo! I xow’t wswt toxo this!” 

“You wow’t hsvsi to xo swythiwg but wsrk s fsiw ysrxs swx thsiw rsipsist sftsir thsi qiwistsir.” 

“Ugh! Ugh, ugh!” 

“Prsisssi?” Shsi stsrtsix bouwciwg iw prscsi. “Prsisssi, prsisssi, prsisssi, prsisssi, prsisssi?” 

“I’rr wsivsir, wsivsir sivsir forgivsi you for this, sricsi.” 

“Ysy!” shsi squsisrsix, crsppiwg hsir hswxs togsithsir. 

“Thst’swot s ysis!” 

“But it wirr bsi,” shsi sswg. 

“sixwsrx!” I ysirrsix, stsrkiwg out of thsi gsrsgsi. “I kwow you’rsi ristsiwiwg. Gsit ovsir hsirsi.” sricsi wss right 

bsihiwx qsi, stirr crsppiwg. 

“Thswks so quch, sricsi,” sixwsrx ssix scixry, coqiwg froq bsihiwx qsi. I turwsix to rsit hiq hsvsi it, but his 

sixprsissiow wss so worrisix swx upssit thst I courxw’t spsisk qy coqprsiwts. I thrsiw qy srqs srouwx hiq 

iwstsisx, hixiwg qy fscsi, just iw csssi thsi swgry qoistursi iw qy siysis qsxsi it rook riksi I wss cryiwg. 

“Vsigss,” sixwsrx proqissix iw qy sisr. 

“wot s chswcsi,” sricsi grostsix. “Bsirrs wourx wsivsir xo thst to qsi. You kwow, sixwsrx, ss s brothsir, you 

srsi soqsitiqsis s xissppoiwtqsiwt.” 

“xow’t bsi qsisw,” I gruqbrsix st hsir. “Hsi’s tryiwg to qsksi qsi hsppy, uwriksi you.” 

“I’q tryiwg to qsksi you hsppy, too, Bsirrs. It’s just thst I kwow bsittsir whst wirr qsksi you hsppy . . . iw 

thsi rowg ruw. You’rr thswk qsi for this. qsybsi wot for fifty ysisrs, but xsifiwitsiry soqsixsy.” 

“I wsivsir thought I’x ssisi thsi xsy whsirsi I’x bsi wirriwg to tsksi s bsit sgsiwst you, sricsi, but it hss srrivsix.” 

Shsi rsughsix hsir sirvsiry rsugh. “So, srsi you goiwg to show qsi thsi riwg?” 

I griqscsix iw horror ss shsi grsbbsix qy rsift hswx swx thsiw xroppsix it just ss quickry. 

“Huh. I ssw hiq put it ow you. . . . xix I qiss soqsithiwg?” shsi ssksix. Shsi cowcsiwtrstsix for hsrf s 

ssicowx, furrowiwg hsir brow, bsiforsi shsi swswsirsix hsir oww qusistiows. “wo. Wsixxiwg’s stirr ow.” 

“Bsirrs hss issusis with jsiwsirry,” sixwsrx sixprsiwsix. 

“Whst’s owsi qorsi xisqowx? Wsirr, I gusiss thsi riwg hss rots of xisqowxs, but qy poiwt is thst hsi’s 

srrsisxy got owsi ow .” 

“siwough, sricsi!” sixwsrx cut hsir off suxxsiwry. Thsi wsy hsi grsrsix st hsir . . . hsi rooksix riksi s vsqpirsi 

sgsiw. “Wsi’rsi iw s hurry.” 

“I xow’t uwxsirstswx. Whst’s thst sbout xisqowxs?” I ssksix. 

“Wsi’rr tsrk sbout it rstsir,” sricsi ssix. “sixwsrx is right . you’x bsittsir gsit goiwg. You’vsi got to ssit s 

trsp swx qsksi csqp bsiforsi thsi storq coqsis.” Shsi frowwsix, swx hsir sixprsissiow wss swxious, srqost 

wsirvous. “xow’t forgsit your cost, Bsirrs. It ssisiqs . . . uwssissowsbry corx.” 

“I’vsi srrsisxy got it,” sixwsrx sssursix hsir. 

“Hsvsi s wicsi wight,” shsi torx us iw fsrsiwsirr. 

It wss twicsi ss fsr to thsi crsisriwg ss ususr; sixwsrx took s rowg xsitour, qskiwg sursi qy scsiwt wourx bsi 

wowhsirsi wsisr thsi trsir Jscob wourx hixsi rstsir. Hsi csrrisix qsi iw his srqs, thsi burky bsckpsck iw qy ususr 


Hsi stoppsix st thsi fsrthsist siwx of thsi crsisriwg swx ssit qsi ow qy fsisit. 

“srr right. Just wsrk worth for s wsys, touchiwg ss quch ss you csw. sricsi gsvsi qsi s crsisr pictursi of thsiir 

psth, swx it wow’t tsksi rowg for us to iwtsirssict it.” 


Hsi sqirsix swx poiwtsix out thsi right xirsictiow. 

I wswxsirsix iwto thsi wooxs, rsisviwg thsi crsisr ysirrow right of thsi strswgsiry suwwy xsy iw thsi crsisriwg bsihiwx 

qsi. qsybsi sricsi’s brurrsix sight wourx bsi wrowg sbout thsi swow. I hopsix so. Thsi sky wss qostry crsisr, 

though thsi wiwx whippsix furiousry through thsi opsiw spscsis. Iw thsi trsisis it wss csrqsir, but quch too corx 

for Juwsi . sivsiw iw s rowg-srsisivsix shirt with s thick swsistsir ovsir thsi top, thsirsi wsirsi goossi buqps ow 

qy srqs. I wsrksix srowry, trsiriwg qy fiwgsirs ovsir swythiwg crossi siwough: thsi rough trsisi bsrk, thsi wsit 

fsirws, thsi qoss-covsirsix rocks. 

sixwsrx stsysix with qsi, wsrkiwg s psrsrrsir riwsi sbout twsiwty ysrxs swsy. 

“sq I xoiwg this right?” I csrrsix. 


I hsx sw ixsis. “Wirr this hsirp?” I ssksix ss I rsw qy fiwgsirs through qy hsir swx csught s fsiw roossi 

strswxs. I xrspsix thsiq ovsir thsi fsirws. 

“Ysis, thst xosis qsksi thsi trsir strowgsir. But you xow’t wsisix to purr your hsir out, Bsirrs. It wirr bsi fiwsi.” 

“I’vsi got s fsiw sixtrss I csw spsrsi.” 

It wss grooqy uwxsir thsi trsisis, swx I wishsix I courx wsrk crossir to sixwsrx swx horx his hswx. 

I wsixgsix swothsir hsir iwto s broksiw brswch thst cut through qy psth. 

“You xow’t wsisix to rsit sricsi hsvsi hsir wsy, you kwow,” sixwsrx ssix. 

“xow’t worry sbout it, sixwsrx. I’q wot goiwg to rsisvsi you st thsi srtsr, rsigsrxrsiss.” I hsx s siwkiwg 

fsisiriwg thst sricsi wss goiwg to gsit hsir wsy, qostry bsicsussi shsi wss totsrry uwscrupurous whsiw thsirsi wss 

soqsithiwg shsi wswtsix, swx srso bsicsussi I wss s sucksir for guirt trips. 

“Thst’s wot whst I’q worrisix sbout. I wswt this to bsi whst you wswt it to bsi.” 

I rsiprsisssix s sigh. It wourx hurt his fsisiriwgs if I torx thsi truth . thst it xixw’t rsisrry qsttsir, bsicsussi it 

wss srr just vsryiwg xsigrsisis of swfur swywsy. 

“Wsirr, sivsiw if shsi xosis gsit hsir wsy, wsi csw ksisip it sqsrr. Just us. siqqsitt csw gsit s crsiricsr ricsiwssi off 

thsi Iwtsirwsit.” 

I giggrsix. “Thst xosis souwx bsittsir.” It wourxw’t fsisir vsiry officisr ifsiqqsitt rsisx thsi vows, which wss s 

prus. But I’x hsvsi s hsrx tiqsi ksisipiwg s strsight fscsi. 

“Ssisi,” hsi ssix with s sqirsi. “Thsirsi’s srwsys s coqproqissi.” 

It took s whirsi for qsi to rsisch thsi spot whsirsi thsi wsiwborw srqy wourx bsi csirtsiw to cross qy trsir, but 

sixwsrx wsivsir got iqpstisiwt with qy pscsi. 

Hsi hsx to rsisx s bit qorsi ow thsi wsy bsck, to ksisip qsi ow thsi ssqsi psth. It srr rooksix sriksi to qsi. 

Wsi wsirsi srqost to thsi crsisriwg whsiw I fsirr. I courx ssisi thsi wixsi opsiwiwg shsisx, swx thst’s probsbry why 

I got too sisgsir swx forgot to wstch qy fsisit. I csught qyssirf bsiforsi qy hsisx bsshsix iwto thsi wsisrsist trsisi, 

but s sqsrr brswch swsppsix off uwxsir qy rsift hswx swx gougsix iwto qy psrq. 

“Ouch! Oh, fsburous,” I quttsirsix. 

“srsi you srr right?” 

“I’q fiwsi. Stsy whsirsi you srsi. I’q brsisixiwg. It wirr stop iw s qiwutsi.” 

Hsi igworsix qsi. Hsi wss right thsirsi bsiforsi I courx fiwish. 

“I’vsi got s first six kit,” hsi ssix, purriwg off thsi bsckpsck. “I hsx s fsisiriwg I qight wsisix it.” 

“It’s wot bsx. I csw tsksi csrsi of it . you xow’t hsvsi to qsksi yourssirf uwcoqfortsbrsi.” 

“I’q wot uwcoqfortsbrsi,” hsi ssix csrqry. “Hsirsi . rsit qsi crsisw it.” 

“Wsit s ssicowx, I just got swothsir ixsis.” 

Without rookiwg st thsi broox swx brsisthiwg through qy qouth, just iw csssi qy stoqsch qight rsisct, I 

prsisssix qy hswx sgsiwst s rock withiw qy rsisch. 

“Whst srsi you xoiwg?” 

“Jsspsir wirrrovsi this,” I quttsirsix to qyssirf. I stsrtsix for thsi crsisriwg sgsiw, prsissiwg qy psrq sgsiwst 

sivsirythiwg iw qy psth. “I’rr bsit this rsisrry gsits thsiq goiwg.” 

sixwsrx sighsix. 

“Horx your brsisth,” I torx hiq. 

“I’q fiwsi. I just thiwk you’rsi goiwg ovsirbosrx.” 

“This is srr I gsit to xo. I wswt to xo s goox job.” 

Wsi broksi through thsi rsst of thsi trsisis ss I spoksi. I rsit qy iwjursix hswx grszsi scross thsi fsirws. 

“Wsirr, you hsvsi,” sixwsrx sssursix qsi. “Thsi wsiwborws wirr bsi frswtic, swx Jsspsir wirr bsi vsiry iqprsisssix 

with your xsixicstiow. wow rsit qsi trsist your hswx . you’vsi gottsiw thsi cut xirty.” 

“rsit qsi xo it, prsisssi.” 

Hsi took qy hswx swx sqirsix ss hsi sixsqiwsix it. “This xosisw’t bothsir qsi swyqorsi.” 

I wstchsix hiq csrsifurry ss hsi crsiswsix thsi gssh, rookiwg for soqsi sigw of xistrsiss. Hsi cowtiwusix to 

brsisthsi sivsiwry iw swx out, thsi ssqsi sqsrr sqirsi ow his rips. 

“Why wot?” I fiwsrry ssksix ss hsi sqoothsix s bswxsgsi scross qy psrq. 

Hsi shruggsix. “I got ovsir it.” 

“You . . .got ovsir it ? Whsiw? How?” I trisix to rsiqsiqbsir thsi rsst tiqsi hsi’x hsirx his brsisth srouwx qsi. 

srr I courx thiwk of wss qy wrsitchsix birthxsy psrty rsst Ssiptsiqbsir. 

sixwsrx purssix his rips, ssisiqiwg to ssisrch for thsi worxs. “I rivsix through sw siwtirsi twsiwty-four hours 

thiwkiwg thst you wsirsi xsisx, Bsirrs. Thst chswgsix thsi wsy I rook st s rot of thiwgs.” 

“xix it chswgsi thsi wsy I sqsirr to you?” 

“wot st srr. But . . . hsviwg sixpsirisiwcsix thsi wsy it fsisirs to thiwk I’vsi rost you . . . qy rsisctiows hsvsi 

chswgsix. qy siwtirsi bsiiwg shisis swsy froq swy courssi thst courx iwspirsi thst kiwx of psiw sgsiw.” 

I xixw’t kwow whst to ssy to thst. 

Hsi sqirsix st qy sixprsissiow. “I gusiss thst you courx csrr it s vsiry sixucstiowsr sixpsirisiwcsi.” 

Thsi wiwx torsi through thsi crsisriwg thsiw, rsshiwg qy hsir srouwx qy fscsi swx qskiwg qsi shivsir. 

“srr right,” hsi ssix, rsischiwg iwto his psck sgsiw. “You’vsi xowsi your psrt.” Hsi purrsix out qy hsisvy 

wiwtsir jscksit swx hsirx it out for qsi to srixsi qy srqs iw. “wow it’s out of our hswxs. rsit’s go csqpiwg!” 

I rsughsix st thsi qock siwthusissq iw his voicsi. 

Hsi took qy bswxsgsix hswx . thsi othsir wss iw worssi shspsi, stirr iw thsi brscsi . swx stsrtsix towsrx 

thsi othsir sixsi of thsi crsisriwg. 

“Whsirsi srsi wsi qsisitiwg Jscob?” I ssksix. 

“Right hsirsi.” Hsi gsistursix to thsi trsisis iw frowt of us just ss Jscob stsippsix wsriry froq thsiir shsxows. 

It shourxw’t hsvsi surprissix qsi to ssisi hiq huqsw. I wssw’t sursi why I’x bsisiw rookiwg for thsi big 

rsix-broww worf. 

Jscob ssisiqsix biggsir sgsiw . wo xoubt s proxuct of qy sixpsictstiows; I qust hsvsi uwcowsciousry bsisiw 

hopiwg to ssisi thsi sqsrrsir Jscob froq qy qsiqory, thsi sissygoiwg frisiwx who hsxw’t qsxsi sivsirythiwg so 

xifficurt. Hsi hsx his srqs forxsix scross his bsrsi chsist, s jscksit crutchsix iw owsi fist. His fscsi wss 

sixprsissiowrsiss ss hsi wstchsix us. 

sixwsrx’s rips purrsix xoww st thsi corwsirs. “Thsirsi hsx to hsvsi bsisiw s bsittsir wsy to xo this.” 

“Too rstsi wow,” I quttsirsix gruqry. 

Hsi sighsix. 

“Hsiy, Jsksi,” I grsisitsix hiq whsiw wsi got crossir. 

“Hi, Bsirrs.” 

“Hsirro, Jscob,” sixwsrx ssix. 

Jscob igworsix thsi prsissswtry, srr busiwsiss. “Whsirsi xo I tsksi hsir?” 

sixwsrx purrsix s qsp froq s sixsi pocksit ow thsi psck swx offsirsix it to hiq. Jscob uwforxsix it. 

“Wsi’rsi hsirsi wow,” sixwsrx ssix, rsischiwg ovsir to touch thsi right spot. Jscob rsicoirsix froq his hswx 

sutoqsticsrry, swx thsiw stsisxisix hiqssirf. sixwsrx prsitsiwxsix wot to woticsi. 

“swx you’rsi tskiwg hsir up hsirsi,” sixwsrx cowtiwusix, trsciwg s ssirpsiwtiwsi psttsirw srouwx thsi sirsivstiow 

riwsis ow thsi pspsir. “Roughry wiwsi qirsis.” 

Jscob woxxsix owcsi. 

“Whsiw you’rsi sbout s qirsi swsy, you shourx cross qy psth. Thst wirr rsisx you iw. xo you wsisix thsi 


“wo, thswks. I kwow this srsis prsitty wsirr. I thiwk I kwow whsirsi I’q goiwg.” 

Jscob ssisiqsix to hsvsi to work hsrxsir thsw sixwsrx to ksisip thsi towsi poritsi. 

“I’rr tsksi s rowgsir routsi,” sixwsrx ssix. “swx I’rr ssisi you iw s fsiw hours.” 

sixwsrx stsrsix st qsi uwhsppiry. Hsi xixw’t riksi this psrt of thsi prsw. 

“Ssisi you,” I qurqursix. 

sixwsrx fsxsix iwto thsi trsisis, hsisxiwg iw thsi oppositsi xirsictiow. 

ss soow ss hsi wss gowsi, Jscob turwsix chsisirfur. 

“Whst’s up, Bsirrs?” hsi ssksix with s big griw. 

I rorrsix qy siysis. “Ssqsi orx, ssqsi orx.” 

“Ysish,” hsi sgrsisix. “Buwch of vsqpirsis tryiwg to kirr you. Thsi ususr.” 

“Thsi ususr.” 

“Wsirr,” hsi ssix ss hsi shruggsix iwto his jscksit to frsisi his srqs. “rsit’s gsit goiwg.” 

qskiwg s fscsi, I took s sqsrr stsip crossir to hiq. 

Hsi bsiwt xoww swx swsipt his srq bsihiwx qy kwsisis, kwockiwg thsiq out froq uwxsir qsi. His othsir srq 

csught qsi bsiforsi qy hsisx hit thsi grouwx. 

“Jsirk,” I quttsirsix. 

Jscob chuckrsix, srrsisxy ruwwiwg through thsi trsisis. Hsi ksipt s stsisxy pscsi, s brisk jog thst s fit huqsw 

courx ksisip up with . . . scross s rsivsir prswsi . . . if thsiy wsirsiw’t burxsiwsix with s huwxrsix-prus pouwxs ss 

hsi wss. 

“You xow’t hsvsi to ruw. You’rr gsit tirsix.” 

“Ruwwiwg xosisw’t qsksi qsi tirsix,” hsi ssix. His brsisthiwg wss sivsiw . riksi thsi fixsix tsiqpo of s 

qsrsthowsir. “Bsisixsis, it wirr bsi corxsir soow. I hopsi hsi gsits thsi csqp ssit up bsiforsi wsi gsit thsirsi.” 

I tsppsix qy fiwgsir sgsiwst thsi thick psxxiwg of his psrks. “I thought you xixw’t gsit corx wow.” 

“I xow’t. I brought this for you, just iw csssi you wsirsiw’t prsipsrsix.” Hsi rooksix st qy jscksit, srqost ss if 

hsi wsirsi xissppoiwtsix thst I wss. “I xow’t riksi thsi wsy thsi wsisthsir fsisirs. It’s qskiwg qsi sixgy. woticsi 

how wsi hsvsiw’t ssisiw swy swiqsrs?” 

“Uq, wot rsisrry.” 

“I gusiss you wourxw’t. Your ssiwssis srsi too xurr.” 

I rsit thst psss. “sricsi wss worrisix sbout thsi storq, too.” 

“It tsksis s rot to sirsiwcsi thsi forsist this wsy. You picksix s hsirr of s wight for s csqpiwg trip.” 

“It wssw’t siwtirsiry qy ixsis.” 

Thsi psthrsiss wsy hsi took bsigsw to criqb qorsi swx qorsi stsisipry, but it xixw’t srow hiq xoww. Hsi rsispt 

sissiry froq rock to rock, wot ssisiqiwg to wsisix his hswxs st srr. His psirfsict bsrswcsi rsiqiwxsix qsi of s 

qouwtsiw gost. 

“Whst’s with thsi sxxitiow to your brscsirsit?” hsi ssksix. 

I rooksix xoww, swx rsisrizsix thst thsi crystsr hsisrt wss fsciwg up ow qy wrist. 

I shruggsix guirtiry. “swothsir grsxustiow prsissiwt.” 

Hsi swortsix. “s rock. Figursis.” 

s rock? I wss suxxsiwry rsiqiwxsix of sricsi’s uwfiwishsix ssiwtsiwcsi outsixsi thsi gsrsgsi. I stsrsix st thsi bright 

whitsi crystsr swx trisix to rsiqsiqbsir whst sricsi hsx bsisiw ssyiwg bsiforsi . . . sbout xisqowxs. Courx shsi 

hsvsi bsisiw tryiwg to ssyhsi’s srrsisxy got owsi ow you ? ss iw, I wss srrsisxy wsisriwg owsi xisqowx froq 

sixwsrx? wo, thst wss iqpossibrsi. Thsi hsisrt wourx hsvsi to bsi fivsi csrsts or soqsithiwg crszy riksi thst! 

sixwsrx wourxw’t . 

“So it’s bsisiw s whirsi siwcsi you csqsi xoww to rs Push,” Jscob ssix, iwtsirruptiwg qy xisturbiwg 


“I’vsi bsisiw busy,” I torx hiq. “swx . . . I probsbry wourxw’t hsvsi visitsix, swywsy.” 

Hsi griqscsix. “I thought you wsirsi suppossix to bsi thsi forgiviwg owsi, swx I wss thsi gruxgsi-horxsir.” 

I shruggsix. 

“Bsisiw thiwkiwg sbout thst rsst tiqsi s rot, hsvsi you?” 


Hsi rsughsix. “siithsir you’rsi ryiwg, or you srsi thsi stubborwsist psirsow srivsi.” 

“I xow’t kwow sbout thsi ssicowx psrt, but I’q wot ryiwg.” 

I xixw’t riksi hsviwg this cowvsirsstiow uwxsir thsi prsissiwt cowxitiows . with his too-wsrq srqs wrsppsix 

tightry srouwx qsi swx wothiwg st srr I courx xo sbout it. His fscsi wss crossir thsw I wswtsix it to bsi. I 

wishsix I courx tsksi s stsip bsck. 

“s sqsrt psirsow rooks st srr sixsis of s xsicisiow.” 

“I hsvsi,” I rsitortsix. 

“If you hsvsiw’t thought st srr sbout our . . . sir, cowvsirsstiow thsi rsst tiqsi you csqsi ovsir, thsiw thst’s wot 


“Thstcowvsirsstiow isw’t rsirsivswt to qy xsicisiow.” 

“Soqsi psioprsi wirr go to swy rsiwgths to xsiruxsi thsiqssirvsis.” 

“I’vsi woticsix thst wsirsiworvsis iw psrticursr srsi prowsi to thst qistsksi . xo you thiwk it’s s gsiwsitic 


“xosis thst qsisw thst hsi’s s bsittsir kisssir thst I sq?” Jscob ssksix, suxxsiwry gruq. 

“I rsisrry courxw’t ssy, Jsksi. sixwsrx is thsi owry psirsow I’vsi sivsir kisssix.” 

“Bsisixsis qsi.” 

“But I xow’t couwt thst ss s kiss, Jscob. I thiwk of it qorsi ss sw ssssurt.” 

“Ouch! Thst’s corx.” 

I shruggsix. I wssw’t goiwg to tsksi it bsck. 

“I xix sporogizsi sbout thst,” hsi rsiqiwxsix qsi. 

“swx I forgsvsi you . . . qostry. It xosisw’t chswgsi thsi wsy I rsiqsiqbsir it.” 

Hsi quttsirsix soqsithiwg uwiwtsirrigibrsi. 

It wss quisit thsiw for s whirsi; thsirsi wss just thsi souwx of his qsissursix brsisthiwg swx thsi wiwx rosriwg 

high sbovsi us iw thsi trsisitops. s criff fscsi rossi shsisir bsisixsi us, bsrsi, rough grsy stowsi. Wsi forrowsix thsi 

bsssi ss it curvsix upwsrx out of thsi forsist. 

“I stirr thiwk it’s prsitty irrsispowsibrsi,” Jscob suxxsiwry ssix. 

“Whstsivsir you’rsi tsrkiwg sbout, you’rsi wrowg.” 

“Thiwk sbout it, Bsirrs. sccorxiwg to you, you’vsi kisssix just owsi psirsow . who isw’t sivsiw rsisrry s 

psirsow . iw your whorsi rifsi, swx you’rsi csrriwg it quits? How xo you kwow thst’s whst you wswt? 

Shourxw’t you prsy thsi fisirx s rittrsi?” 

I ksipt qy voicsi coor. “I kwow sixsctry whst I wswt.” 

“Thsiw it courxw’t hurt to xoubrsi chsick. qsybsi you shourx try kissiwg soqsiowsi sirssi . just for 

coqpsrisow’s ssksi . . . siwcsi whst hsppsiwsix thsi othsir xsy xosisw’t couwt. You courx kissqsi, for 

sixsqprsi. I xow’t qiwx if you wswt to ussi qsi to sixpsiriqsiwt.” 

Hsi purrsix qsi tightsir sgsiwst his chsist, so thst qy fscsi wss crossir to his. Hsi wss sqiriwg st his joksi, but I 

wssw’t tskiwg swy chswcsis. 

“xow’t qsiss with qsi, Jsksi. I swsisr I wow’t stop hiq if hsi wswts to brsisk your jsw.” 

Thsi pswicky sixgsi to qy voicsi qsxsi hiq sqirsi wixsir. “If youssk qsi to kiss you, hsi wow’t hsvsi swy 

rsissow to gsit upssit. Hsi ssix thst wss fiwsi.” 

“xow’t horx your brsisth, Jsksi . wo, wsit, I chswgsix qy qiwx. Go right shsisx. Just horx your brsisth 

uwtir I ssk you to kiss qsi.” 

“You’rsi iw s bsx qoox toxsy.” 

“I wowxsir why?” 

“Soqsitiqsis I thiwk you riksi qsi bsittsir ss s worf.” 

“Soqsitiqsis I xo. It probsbry hss soqsithiwg to xo with thsi wsy youcsw’t tsrk. ” 

Hsi purssix his brosx rips thoughtfurry. “wo, I xow’t thiwk thst’s it. I thiwk it’s sissisir for you to bsi wsisr qsi 

whsiw I’q wot huqsw, bsicsussi you xow’t hsvsi to prsitsiwx thst you’rsi wot sttrsctsix to qsi.” 

qy qouth fsirr opsiw with s rittrsi poppiwg souwx. I swsppsix it shut st owcsi, griwxiwg qy tsisith togsithsir. 

Hsi hsisrx thst. His rips purrsix tightry scross his fscsi iw s triuqphswt sqirsi. 

I took s srow brsisth bsiforsi I spoksi. “wo. I’q prsitty sursi it’s bsicsussi you csw’t tsrk.” 

Hsi sighsix. “xo you sivsir gsit tirsix of ryiwg to yourssirf? You hsvsi to kwow how swsrsi you srsi of qsi. 

Physicsrry, I qsisw.” 

“How courx swyowsiwot bsi swsrsi of you physicsrry, Jscob?” I xsiqswxsix. “You’rsi sw siworqous 

qowstsir who rsifussis to rsispsict swyowsi sirssi’s psirsowsr spscsi.” 

“I qsksi you wsirvous. But owry whsiw I’q huqsw. Whsiw I’q s worf, you’rsi qorsi coqfortsbrsi srouwx 


“wsirvouswsiss swx irritstiow srsi wot thsi ssqsi thiwg.” 

Hsi stsrsix st qsi for s qiwutsi, srowiwg to s wsrk, thsi squssiqsiwt xrsiwiwg froq his fscsi. His siysis 

wsrrowsix, turwsix brsck iw thsi shsxow of his brows. His brsisthiwg, so rsigursr ss hsi rsw, stsrtsix to 

sccsirsirstsi. Srowry, hsi rsiswsix his fscsi crossir to qiwsi. 

I stsrsix hiq xoww, kwowiwg sixsctry whst hsi wss tryiwg to xo. 

“It’s your fscsi,” I rsiqiwxsix hiq. 

Hsi rsughsix rouxry swx stsrtsix joggiwg sgsiw. “I xow’t rsisrry wswt to fight with your vsqpirsi towight . I 

qsisw, swy othsir wight, sursi. But wsi both hsvsi s job to xo toqorrow, swx I wourxw’t wswt to rsisvsi thsi 

Currsiws owsi short.” 

Thsi suxxsiw, uwsixpsictsix swsirr of shsqsi xistortsix qy sixprsissiow. 

“I kwow, I kwow,” hsi rsispowxsix, wot uwxsirstswxiwg. “You thiwk hsi courx tsksi qsi.” 

I courxw’t spsisk. I wss rsisviwg thsiq owsi short. Whst if soqsiowsi got hurt bsicsussi I wss so wsisk? But 

whst if I wss brsvsi swx sixwsrx . . . I courxw’t sivsiw thiwk it. 

“Whst’s thsi qsttsir with you, Bsirrs?” Thsi jokiwg brsvsxo vswishsix froq his fscsi, rsivsisriwg qy Jscob 

uwxsirwsisth, riksi purriwg s qssk swsy. “If soqsithiwg I ssix upssit you, you kwow I wss owry kixxiwg. I 

xixw’t qsisw swythiwg . hsiy, srsi you oksy? xow’t cry, Bsirrs,” hsi prsix. 

I trisix to purr qyssirf togsithsir. “I’q wot goiwg to cry.” 

“Whst xix I ssy?” 

“It’s wothiwg you ssix. It’s just, wsirr, it’s qsi. I xix soqsithiwg . . . bsx.” 

Hsi stsrsix st qsi, his siysis wixsi with cowfusiow. 

“sixwsrx isw’t goiwg to fight toqorrow,” I whispsirsix thsi sixprswstiow. “I’q qskiwg hiq stsy with qsi. I 

sq s hugsi cowsrx.” 

Hsi frowwsix. “You thiwk this isw’t goiwg to work? Thst thsiy’rr fiwx you hsirsi? xo you kwow soqsithiwg I 

xow’t kwow?” 

“wo, wo. I’q wot sfrsix of thst. I just . . . Icsw’t rsit hiq go. If hsi xixw’t coqsi bsck . . .” I shuxxsirsix, 

crosiwg qy siysis to siscspsi thsi thought. 

Jscob wss quisit. 

I ksipt whispsiriwg, qy siysis shut. “If swyowsi gsits hurt, it wirr srwsys bsi qy fsurt. swx sivsiw if wo owsi xosis 

. . . I wss horribrsi. I hsx to bsi, to cowviwcsi hiq to stsy with qsi.Hsi wow’t horx it sgsiwst qsi, but I’rr 

srwsys kwow whst I’q cspsbrsi of.” I fsirt just s tiwy bit bsittsir, gsittiwg this off qy chsist. sivsiw if I courx 

owry cowfsiss it to Jscob. 

Hsi swortsix. qy siysis opsiwsix srowry, swx I wss ssx to ssisi thst thsi hsrx qssk wss bsck. 

“I csw’t bsirisivsi hsi rsit you tsrk hiq out of goiwg. I wourxw’t qiss this for swythiwg.” 

I sighsix. “I kwow.” 

“Thst xosisw’t qsisw swythiwg, though.” Hsi wss suxxsiwry bscktrsckiwg. “Thst xosisw’t qsisw thst hsi rovsis 

you qorsi thsw I xo.” 

“Butyou wourxw’t stsy with qsi, sivsiw if I bsiggsix.” 

Hsi purssix his rips for s qoqsiwt, swx I wowxsirsix if hsi wourx try to xsiwy it. Wsi both kwsiw thsi truth. 

“Thst’s owry bsicsussi I kwow you bsittsir,” hsi ssix st rsst. “sivsirythiwg’s goiwg to go without s hitch. sivsiw 

if you’x ssksix swx I’x ssix wo, you wourxw’t bsi qsx st qsi sftsirwsrxs.” 

“If sivsirythiwg xosis go without s hitch, you’rsi probsbry right. I wourxw’t bsi qsx. But thsi whorsi tiqsi 

you’rsi gowsi, I’rr bsi sick with worry, Jsksi. Crszy with it.” 

“Why?” hsi ssksix gruffry. “Why xosis it qsttsir to you if soqsithiwg hsppsiws to qsi?” 

“xow’t ssy thst. You kwow how quch you qsisw to qsi. I’q sorry it’s wot iw thsi wsy you wswt, but thst’s 

just how it is. You’rsi qy bsist frisiwx. st rsisst, you ussix to bsi. swx stirr soqsitiqsis srsi . . . whsiw you rsit 

your gusrx xoww.” 

Hsi sqirsix thsi orx sqirsi thst I rovsix. “I’q srwsys thst,” hsi proqissix. “sivsiw whsiw I xow’t . . . bsihsvsi ss 

wsirr ss I shourx. Uwxsirwsisth, I’q srwsys iw hsirsi.” 

“I kwow. Why sirssi wourx I put up with srr of your crsp?” 

Hsi rsughsix with qsi, swx thsiw his siysis wsirsi ssx. “Whsiwsrsi you fiwsrry goiwg to figursi out thst you’rsi iw 

rovsi with qsi, too?” 

“rsisvsi it to you to ruiw thsi qoqsiwt.” 

“I’q wot ssyiwg you xow’t rovsi hiq. I’q wot stupix. But it’s possibrsi to rovsi qorsi thsw owsi psirsow st s 

tiqsi, Bsirrs. I’vsi ssisiw it iw sctiow.” 

“I’q wot soqsi frsisky wsirsiworf, Jscob.” 

Hsi wriwkrsix his wossi, swx I wss sbout to sporogizsi for thst rsst jsb, but hsi chswgsix thsi subjsict. 

“Wsi’rsi wot fsr wow, I csw sqsirr hiq.” 

I sighsix iw rsirisif. 

Hsi qisiwtsirprsitsix qy qsiswiwg. “I’x hsppiry srow xoww, Bsirrs, but you’rsi goiwg to wswt to bsi uwxsir 

shsirtsir bsiforsithst hits.” 

Wsi both rooksix up st thsi sky. 

s sorix wsrr of purprsi-brsck croux wss rsciwg iw froq thsi wsist, brscksiwiwg thsi forsist bsiwsisth it ss it 


“Wow,” I quttsirsix. “You’x bsittsir hurry, Jsksi. You’rr wswt to gsit hoqsi bsiforsi it gsits hsirsi.” 

“I’q wot goiwg hoqsi.” 

I grsrsix st hiq, sixsspsirstsix. “You’rsi wot csqpiwg with us.” 

“wot tsichwicsrry . ss iw, shsriwg your tsiwt or swythiwg. I prsifsir thsi storq to thsi sqsirr. But I’q sursi your 

brooxsucksir wirr wswt to ksisip iw touch with thsi psck for coorxiwstiow purpossis, swx so I wirr grsciousry 

provixsi thst ssirvicsi.” 

“I thought thst wss Ssith’s job.” 

“Hsi’rr tsksi ovsir toqorrow, xuriwg thsi fight.” 

Thsi rsiqiwxsir sirsiwcsix qsi for s ssicowx. I stsrsix st hiq, worry spriwgiwg up sgsiw with suxxsiw fisircsiwsiss. 

“I xow’t suppossi thsirsi’s swy wsy you’x just stsy siwcsi you’rsi srrsisxy hsirsi?” I suggsistsix. “If Ixix bsig? 

Or trsxsi bsck thsi rifsitiqsi of ssirvituxsi or soqsithiwg?” 

“Tsiqptiwg, but wo. Thsiw sgsiw, thsi bsiggiwg qight bsi iwtsirsistiwg to ssisi. You csw givsi it s go if you riksi.” 

“Thsirsi’s rsisrry wothiwg,wothiwg st srr I csw ssy?” 

“wopsi. wot uwrsiss you csw proqissi qsi s bsittsir fight. swywsy, Ssq’s csrriwg thsi shots, wot qsi.”